Departmental approach to nature sports
In view of the competence entrusted to it by current legislation (Art. 311-3 of the French Sports Code), the Pas-de-Calais Department leads a Departmental Commission on Spaces, Sites and Routes (CDESI). This constitutes a privileged space for dialogue, bringing together all the stakeholders involved in nature sports. As such, this CDESI contributes to developing a strategy for the controlled development of nature sports in Pas-de-Calais, taking into account various issues, such as the preservation of the environment, the tourist appeal of local areas, and the health, social and educational impact of sport.
Since 2016, the Pas-de-Calais CDESI has been recognised at the departmental, regional and national levels. The dynamism of the approach undertaken in Pas-de-Calais is reflected, in particular, by the creation of the Departmental Plan of Spaces, Sites and Routes (PDESI) and the implementation of an ambitious development strategy.
As such, this Departmental Plan consists in ensuring sustainable access to places where nature sports are practised, while advocating harmonious development aligned with the challenges of preserving the environment. However, this is not its only purpose: the spaces, sites and routes listed in the PDESI constitute a network of excellence that the Department endeavours to promote through various communication media.
As such, on ESCAPADE62, you will find the spaces, sites and routes recognised by the Pas-de-Calais Department as part of the Departmental Plan of Spaces, Sites and Routes. Currently, this network consists of more than 3,000 km of routes and 25 practice spaces and sites. This will be annually supplemented, based on new registrations made by the Department.
More informations on : https://www.pasdecalais.fr/Sports-Loisirs/Sports-nature/La-demarche-CDESI-PDESI-vers-un-developpement-maitrise-des-sports-de-nature