Domaine de Bellenville
Domaine de Bellenville
Domaine de Bellenville - Eden 62
Annequin, Beuvry, Sailly-Labourse

Domaine de Bellenville

Bassin Minier UNESCO
Family !
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Located on the edge of the Lys plain, the Domaine de Bellenville sits in the heart of a rural area that extends from the marshland areas of Cuinchy, Festubert, Cambrin and Annequin. This is a marsh of great environmental interest, thanks to the fauna and flora that rely on it. Several trails allow you to discover the many different faces of this marshland, at times wooded and at others open, where life abounds. Along the way, dragonflies and a host of different birds will accompany you.

Open: all year round

More Informations :


Floristic and faunistic interest 

Plant species ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Bird species ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Mammal species  ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Insect species ♥ ♥ ♥
Amphibian species ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Reptile species ♥  

Some rarer species that you may be able to observe on the ENS
  • Caraway-leaved selinium (Selinum carvifolia)
  • Marsh hottonia (Hottonia palustris)
  • Spotted Pelodyte (Pelodytes punctatus)
Some common species present on the ENS
  • Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
  • Anax emperor (Anax imperator)
  • Day peacock (Aglais io)

Discover our programme of activities

  • Towns crossed : Annequin, Beuvry, and Sailly-Labourse


  • Hiking trail
  • Discovery trail
  • Dogs permitted on leash
  • Bicycles prohibited
  • Picking of plants prohibited
  • Littering prohibited

Information desks

2 rue Claude, 62240 DESVRES 21 32 13 74

Office de Tourisme de la région de Béthune-Bruay

3 Rue Aristide Briand, 62400 BETHUNE

https://www.tourisme-bethune-bruay.fraccueil@tourisme-bethune-bruay.fr03 21 52 50 00

Air quality
