Guémy Chapel

Guémy Chapel

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The site of Mont Saint Louis is located around the ruins of Guémy Chapel (15th century), classified since 1913 for its artistic interest as a place of worship and popular traditions – Gaulish Druids had already been practising their rites there before the chapel’s construction … The mountain dominates the Hem Valley to the south and the Flemish maritime plains to the north. On clear days, visitors can admire an exceptional view from Dunkirk to the cliffs of Cap Blanc-Nez.

Discover the walking trails map HERE ! 

Open : all years round 
More informations :


Floristic and faunistic interest

Plant species ♥ ♥ 

Bird species ♥ 

Mammal species ♥ ♥ 

Insect species ♥  

Amphibian species ♥  

Reptile species ♥ ♥ 

Some rarer species that you might be able to spot on the ENS

  • The Herringbill (Erynnis tages),
  • The Celestial Blue Azure (Lysandra bellargus),
  • German gentian (Gentianella germanica).

Some common species present on the ENS

  • The Fragile Orvet (Anguis fragilis), 
  • The Half-mourning Cloak (Melanargia galathea),
  • The Bee Ophrys (Ophrys apifera)

Discover our programme of activities :

  • Towns crossed : Tournehem-sur-la-Hem


  • Hiking trail
  • No littering
  • Picking is not allowed

Information desks

Office de Tourisme du Pays d'Opale - Antenne de Guines

14 Rue Clémenceau, 62340.0 GUINES 21 35 73 73

2 rue Claude, 62240 DESVRES 21 32 13 74

Air quality
