Fouquières Marsh Slag Heaps
Fouquières-lès-Lens, Harnes, Noyelles-sous-Lens

Fouquières Marsh Slag Heaps

Bassin Minier UNESCO
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Once a marsh, this site was backfilled by various deposits throughout the mining era. These were mainly black shale, ash and red shale, as well as a whole host of fuels which, even today, cause the combustion of certain parts of the slag heap, forming fumaroles in places. The deposits have been organised in such a way as to form a "canyon" within the slag heap itself, creating a rather unique relief. Since the closure of the mines, the site has changed significantly. The planting associated with the slag heap’s reclassification, as well as the natural plant colonisation, offers up some highly contrasting landscapes and atmospheres for visitors to discover today.


  • Towns crossed : Fouquières-lès-Lens, Harnes, and Noyelles-sous-Lens

1 point of interest

  • Parking


  • Hiking trail
  • Dogs on a leash allowed
  • Picking is not allowed
  • 2 and 4-wheeled motorized vehicles prohibited

Information desks

Office de Tourisme et du Patrimoine de Lens-Liévin

58 Rue de la Gare, 62300.0 LENS

www.tourisme-lenslievin.frinfo@tourisme-lenslievin.fr03 21 67 66 66

2 rue Claude, 62240 DESVRES 21 32 13 74

Air quality
