Nature kayaking on the Canche estuary

Nature kayaking on the Canche estuary

Opal coast
Point de vue
Class : II - Moyennement difficile
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Located at the confluence of two waters, the river and the sea, the Canche Bay Centre is a facility where outdoor activities and environmental education are inseparably linked! 

The introductory canoeing and stand-up paddleboarding lessons, as well as nature-kayaking outings, have been specifically designed for this purpose. 

Come and enjoy an experience in a privileged setting and discover the Canche estuary with its remarkable fauna and flora, typical of Picardy bays, like the many seals and seabirds!

More information: 

Activities offered by the nautical centre

Activities – Canche Bay Centre
The Canche estuary, between land and sea: protected sites of high environmental value.


Contact : 
Centre Nautique de La Canche
Boulevard Bigot Descelers
Tél : 03 21 94 74 26
Mail :


Supervised practice is strongly recommended on this sensitive site, both from an environmental point of view and due to natural hazards (tides, wave power, weather).
Accessibility :
The premises of the nautical centre and the Maison de la Baie de Canche are accessible to people with reduced mobility. 

The nautical courses are not accessible independently.

Information desks

Office de Tourisme d'Etaples-sur-Mer

La Corderie - Boulevard Bigot Descelers, 62630.0 ETAPLES

www.etaples-tourisme.comcontat@etaples-tourisme.com03 21 09 56 94